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The Magee Ethics Workshop: Attacks of Conscience and the Complexity of Ethical Choice

What do we do with experiences of moral urgency in our clinical encounters? Attacks of conscience are just that: great bursts of unconscious energy that can obscure as often as they clarify. Fear often resides at the heart of these experiences. Socially determined standards are in danger of violation, potentially upsetting an order that provided us an illusory sense of security. A quick decision may provide a sense of relief and seeming resolution, but it may also block the emergence of a more mature capacity to bear responsibility for our actions in the world—a responsibility that we always carry, regardless of whether our choices conform to social norms. In this workshop, we will use film, lecture, and discussion to explore how mature ethical discernment requires us to endure conflicts between seemingly irreconcilable ethical positions.

Location: The Jung Center, 5200 Montrose Blvd., Houston, TX